Bolt 1 was developed internally for one year before releasing publicly on the Unity Asset Store. During that time, it was frequently rewritten, broken and rebuilt, with the level of development freedom that only comes with unreleased products. Releasing Bolt has not stopped us from making major changes to its core, like adding Live Editing (that was quite the refactor…), but it has slowed down the pace of development in order to ensure stable, production-ready releases.

But releasing to thousands of users has also given us an enormous amount of constructive feedback. Today, we clearly see core areas of Bolt that could be rethought entirely. To anyone who has suggested ideas, reported bugs, profiled performance: thank you. If we have not yet implemented what you proposed, rest assured it did not fall on deaf ears. Quite to the contrary: we took every suggestion and pushed it as far as we can think of. This document is our plan to integrate most feature requests as cohesive parts of the Bolt architecture and language.

Bolt 2 will be the result of this long process. With a strong attention to detail and design, we see it as a tremendous opportunity to rethink every aspect of Bolt and pave the way forward.

Whether you’re a veteran or a newcomer, we’re glad to have you on board for this major overhaul.